To mark our Queen’s Platinum Jubilee next year, Northumberland Scouts would like to invite your Group/Unit to get involved.
The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is a unique tree planting initiative to ‘Plant a Tree for the Jubilee’.
Scout groups and units are encouraged to play their part in enhancing our environment by planting trees from October 2021 (when the tree planting season begins) through to the end of the Jubilee year in 2022. We would like to challenge every section of every group and unit to plan to plant trees in March 2022.
Our focus will be on planting sustainably; the QGC encourages planting of trees to create a legacy in honour of the Queen’s leadership of the Nation, which will also benefit future generations.
Trees will be available free of charge to all groups/units that wish to get involved. For details of trees, please go to Woodland Trust website.
If you would like to be involved, please contact me at [email protected] or [email protected]
Thanks to the Groups/Districts that have replied so far.
Nick Waton
ACC Green
Northumberland Scouts