Young people or their parents/carers can make a report to the police in the UK about inappropriate sexual contact online such as ‘grooming’. See the CLICK CEOP button below.

Safeguarding in the Scouts

The welfare of children and young people is our priority and everyone has a duty to report safeguarding concerns. You have the right to report any concerns in confidence and free from harassment.

You can report a concern by:

If a child or young person is at immediate risk of harm call 999 or 112 and ask for the police. Tell the UK HQ Safeguarding Team you have done this.

You can also call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 or email them at [email protected].

Safety in the Scouts

Doing things safely is fundamental to everything we do at Scouts. The reporting and recording of incidents is an important tool in keeping everyone safe. Learning from incidents is a key way to inform our guidance and practice. Please report an incident (including near miss) by completing the online incident reporting form.

Safeguarding downloads

Carry the yellow card with you and make sure you follow its guidance on our safeguarding policy. You can download a copy of the card using the link below.  Click on the links below for more resources.

Useful websites

  • NSPCC – Support around online safety or bullying
  • Thinkuknow – Tips for staying safe online
  • ACT Early – Guidance and information on staying safe online, and preventing radicalisation and extremism
  • The NSPCC and the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), in partnership with age verification platform Yoti, have developed the Report Remove tool to support young people to remove illegal nude images of themselves online

Safe Scouting

Carry the purple card with you and make sure you follow its guidance in an emergency. You can download one from here.

You can also download copies of the Staying Safe checklists for Leaders, Managers and Trustee Boards:

Risk Assessment

Scouting and Alcohol

The green card provides a checklist on our policy on alcohol for all adults in Scouting. You can download one from here.